Latest RMYC News
22/02/2025 Meet the Team 03/03/2025 Rally Rendezvous in the Clubhouse 07/03/2025 Beer Tasting with Mark Woodhouse 13/03/2025 Travellers Tales - Battle of Britain
22/02/2025 Meet the Team 03/03/2025 Rally Rendezvous in the Clubhouse 07/03/2025 Beer Tasting with Mark Woodhouse 13/03/2025 Travellers Tales - Battle of Britain
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Membership Information Conditions

Royal Motor Yacht Club

Membership Information & Conditions

We currently have around 1,600 members and new members are always welcome.

The principal objective of the club is to promote and facilitate motor boating and yachting, we therefore primarily welcome new members who are either boat owners or show a genuine interest in boating and the clubs on water activities.

Family membership. Entitles the applicant and their partner, and their children under the age of 18, to full membership of the club.

Ordinary membership. Entitles the applicant to become a full member of the club.

Junior membership. (18-25 years old).

Probationary membership. If you don’t know any club members yet to propose and second you, you can still apply by supporting your application form with two written character references. Ideally one of these should be from a responsible officer of a club or organisation of which you are, or have been, a member.

Full details are in the guidance notes.

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